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QuickView for Mitotane (compound)

Name: Mitotane
PubChem Compound ID: 10245495
Description: A derivative of the insecticide DICHLORODIPHENYLDICHLOROETHANE that specifically inhibits cells of the adrenal cortex and their production of hormones. It is used to treat adrenocortical tumors and causes CNS damage, but no bone marrow depression.
Molecular formula: C14H10Cl4
Molecular weight: 321.046 g/mol
Name: Mitotane
Name (isomeric): DB00648
Drug Type: small molecule
Description: A derivative of the insecticide DICHLORODIPHENYLDICHLOROETHANE that specifically inhibits cells of the adrenal cortex and their production of hormones. It is used to treat adrenocortical tumors and causes CNS damage, but no bone marrow depression.
Brand: Mitotanum [INN-Latin], Lysodren, Mitotan, Chlodithane, Chloditan, Khlodithan, Chlodithan
Category: Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal, Antineoplastic Agents
CAS number: 53-19-0
Indication: For treatment of inoperable adrenocortical tumours; Cushing's syndrome
Mitotane is an oral chemotherapeutic agent indicated in the treatment of inoperable adrenal cortical carcinoma of both functional and nonfunctional types. Mitotane can best be described as an adrenal cytotoxic agent, although it can cause adrenal inhibition, apparently without cellular destruction. The administration of Mitotane alters the extra-ad...
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Mechanism of Action: Its biochemical mechanism of action is unknown, although data are available to suggest that the drug modifies the peripheral metabolism of steroids as well as directly suppressing the adrenal cortex.
Absorption: About 40% oral Lysodren is absorbed
Protein binding: 6%
Biotransformation: Hepatic and renal
Route of elimination: A variable amount of metabolite (1%-17%) is excreted in the bile and the balance is apparently stored in the tissues.
Half Life: 18-159 days
Affected organisms: Humans and other mammals
Food interaction:
Take without regard to meals.
Drug interaction:
AcenocoumarolMitotane may decrease the anticoagulant effect of acenocoumarol.
SpironolactoneSpironolactone antagonizes the effect of mitotane
AnisindioneMitotane may decrease the anticoagulant effect of anisindione.
WarfarinMitotane may decrease the anticoagulant effect of warfarin.
DicumarolMitotane may decrease the anticoagulant effect of dicumarol.

