Name: | oxyphencyclimine |
PubChem Compound ID: | 4642 |
Molecular formula: | C20H28N2O3 |
Molecular weight: | 344.448 g/mol |
Synonyms: |
Oxyphencyclimine; Cyclohexaneglycolic acid, .alpha.-phenyl-, (1,4,5, 6-tetrahydro-1-methyl-2-pyrimidinyl)methyl ester monohydrochloride; Benzeneacetic acid, .alpha.-cyclohexyl-.alpha.-hydroxy-, (1,4,5, 6-tetrahydro-1-methyl-2-pyrimidinyl)methyl ester, monohydrochloride; component of Enarax; KBioSS_002086; Oxyphencyclimine hydrochloride; KBioGR_000927; KBio1_000876; Cycmin; Daricol.
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Name: | oxyphencyclimine |
Name (isomeric): | DB00383 |
Drug Type: | small molecule |
Synonyms: |
Oxifencicliminum [INN-Spanish]; Oxyphencyclimine Hydrochloride; Oxiphencycliminum; Oxyphencycliminum [INN-Latin]
Brand: | Zamanil, Gastrix, Setrol, W-T Anticholinergic, Cycmin, Ulcociclinina, Spazamin, Manir, Daricol, Vio-Thene, Antulcus, Dominil, Daricon, Caridan, Enterex, Naridan, Oximin, Syklifen |
Category: | Anticholinergic Agents, Antispasmodics |
CAS number: | 125-53-1 |
Indication: | For the treatment of peptic ulcer disease and the relief of smooth muscle spasms in gastrointestinal disorders. |
Pharmacology: | Oxyphencyclimine is a synthetic anticholinergic agent which has been shown in experimental and clinical studies to have a pronounced antispasmodic and antisecretory effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Oxyphencyclimine is an antimuscarinic, anticholinergic drug. |
Mechanism of Action: |
Oxyphencyclimine binds the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. It may block all three types of muscarinic receptors including M-1 receptors in the CNS and ganglia, M-2 receptors in the heart (vagus) and M-3 receptors at the parasympathetic NEJ system. The muscarinic acetylcholine receptors mediate various cellular responses, including inhibition of ...
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Affected organisms: | Humans and other mammals |
Drug interaction: |