V Pino Rivero, G Trinidad Ruíz, M Marcos García, G Pardo Romero, A González Palomino, A Blasco Huelva
Complejo Hospitalario Infanta Cristina, Badajoz.
Acta otorrinolaringológica española 2003 NovWe are reporting our 12 years-experience about the extraction, by rigid esophagoscopy, of esophageal foreign bodies in adults. Between 1990 and 2002 we have performed 62 esophagoscopies under general anesthesia corresponding 39 to women and 23 to men with 68 years-old average. A series of variables have been studied: personal history, clinical symptoms, type of foreign body and evolutive period. Besides, we have analysed the esophageal location and complications of the surgery such as ulcerations and perforations. The number of procedures have decreased to a great extent because of flexible endoscopy which is the first choice technique. Actually only less than 15% of all emergencies for that pathology require a rigid esophagoscopy in our Hospital.
V Pino Rivero, G Trinidad Ruíz, M Marcos García, G Pardo Romero, A González Palomino, A Blasco Huelva. Esophagoscopy in adults. Our experience and review of the literature]. Acta otorrinolaringológica española. 2003 Nov;54(9):642-5
PMID: 14992118
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