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The morphologic characteristics of the dentition with maxillary prognathism and reversed occlusion were examined by a computer-assisted dental cast analysing system. Dental casts with normal occlusion, maxillary prognathism and reversed occlusion were selected and measured by a 3D shape measuring system. The dental arches and anteroposterior occlusal curves were approximated numerically by the polynomial expression with a fourth order and second order coefficients, respectively. The coefficients were analysed statistically. Maxillary dental arches with mandibular prognathism showed a more acuminate shape (V-shape) with a significant larger second order coefficient, while arches with reversed occlusion showed more angulate shapes (U-shape) with significantly smaller second order coefficients compared with arches with normal occlusions. However, a notable difference in the shape of the mandibular dental arches was not observed. The mandibular dental arches with maxillary prognathism were positioned backward relative to maxillary dental arches, while the arches with reversed occlusion were positioned forward. The anteroposterior occlusal curves with maxillary prognathism showed larger curvatures in maxilla and mandible, while the curves with reversed occlusion showed smaller curvatures in mandible comparing with the curves with normal occlusion. These results suggest that the present method could offer a useful and objective examination technique for the diagnosis of malocclusion.


T Kojima, T Sohmura, K Wakabayashi, S Kinuta, M Nagao, N Dei, T Nakamura, J Takahashi. Computer-assisted morphological analysis of dental casts with maxillary prognathism and reversed occlusion. Journal of oral rehabilitation. 2004 Jan;31(1):29-34

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PMID: 15125593

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