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Whether coat proteins play a widespread role in endocytic recycling remains unclear. We find that ACAP1, a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) 6, is part of a novel clathrin coat complex that is regulated by ARF6 for endocytic recycling in two key physiological settings, stimulation-dependent recycling of integrin that is critical for cell migration and insulin-stimulated recycling of glucose transporter type 4 (Glut4), which is required for glucose homeostasis. These findings not only advance a basic understanding of an early mechanistic step in endocytic recycling but also shed key mechanistic insights into major physiological events for which this transport plays a critical role.


Jian Li, Peter J Peters, Ming Bai, Jun Dai, Erik Bos, Tomas Kirchhausen, Konstantin V Kandror, Victor W Hsu. An ACAP1-containing clathrin coat complex for endocytic recycling. The Journal of cell biology. 2007 Jul 30;178(3):453-64

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PMID: 17664335

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