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Escherichia coli succinate dehydrogenase (Sdh) belongs to the highly conserved complex II family of enzymes that reduce ubiquinone. These enzymes do not generate a protonmotive force during catalysis and are electroneutral. Because of its electroneutrality, the quinone reduction reaction must consume cytoplasmic protons which are released stoichiometrically during succinate oxidation. The X-ray crystal structure of E. coli Sdh shows that residues SdhB (G227), SdhC (D95), and SdhC (E101) are located at or near the entrance of a water channel that has been proposed to function as a proton wire connecting the cytoplasm to the quinone binding site. However, the pig and chicken Sdh enzymes show an alternative entrance to the water channel via the conserved SdhD (Q78) residue. In this study, site-directed mutants of these four residues were created and characterized by in vivo growth assays, in vitro activity assays, and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. We show that the observed water channel in the E. coli Sdh structure is the functional proton wire in vivo, while in vitro results indicate an alternative entrance for protons. In silico examination of the E. coli Sdh reveals a possible H-bonding network leading from the cytoplasm to the quinone binding site that involves SdhD (D15). On the basis of these results we propose an alternative proton pathway in E. coli Sdh that might be functional only in vitro.


Victor W T Cheng, Antonia Johnson, Richard A Rothery, Joel H Weiner. Alternative sites for proton entry from the cytoplasm to the quinone binding site in Escherichia coli succinate dehydrogenase. Biochemistry. 2008 Sep 2;47(35):9107-16

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PMID: 18690748

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