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The isomers 2,3-, (I), 2,4-, (II), and 2,5-difluoro-N-(4-pyridyl)benzamide, (III), all with formula C(12)H(8)F(2)N(2)O, all exhibit intramolecular C-H...O=C and N-H...F contacts [both with S(6) motifs]. In (I), intermolecular N-H...O=C interactions form one-dimensional chains along [010] [N...O = 3.0181 (16) A], with weaker C-H...N interactions linking the chains into sheets parallel to the [001] plane, further linked into pairs via C-H...F contacts about inversion centres; a three-dimensional herring-bone network forms via C-H...pi(py) (py is pyridyl) interactions. In (II), weak aromatic C-H...N(py) interactions form one-dimensional zigzag chains along [001]; no other interactions with H...N/O/F < 2.50 A are present, apart from long N/C-H...O=C and C-H...F contacts. In (III), N-H...N(py) interactions form one-dimensional zigzag chains [as C(6) chains] along [010] augmented by a myriad of weak C-H...pi(arene) and O=C...O=C interactions and C-H...O/N/F contacts. Compound (III) is isomorphous with the parent N-(4-pyridyl)benzamide [Noveron, Lah, Del Sesto, Arif, Miller & Stang (2002). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124, 6613-6625] and the three 2/3/4-fluoro-N-(4-pyridyl)benzamides [Donnelly, Gallagher & Lough (2008). Acta Cryst. C64, o335-o340]. The study expands our series of fluoro(pyridyl)benzamides and augments our understanding of the competition between strong hydrogen-bond formation and weaker influences on crystal packing.


Joyce McMahon, Frankie P Anderson, John F Gallagher, Alan J Lough. A structural systematic study of three isomers of difluoro-N-(4-pyridyl)benzamide. Acta crystallographica. Section C, Crystal structure communications. 2008 Sep;64(Pt 9):o493-7

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PMID: 18758018

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