Gabriel A Sánchez, Luciana R D'Eramo, Mercedes A Cabrini, Rodolfo Lecumberri, Aldo F Squassi
High Risk Patients Dental Care Unit (CLAPAR I), School of Dentistry, Facultad de Odontología, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Acta odontológica latinoamericana : AOL 2009The aim of this work was to assess the score variation of scales 1 and 2 of the DCBS (Dental Coping Beliefs Scale) of beliefs on oral health regarding oral health needs, clinical progression of the viral infection, medical care needs, age and gender in HIV+ patients. The DCBS was randomly administered to 102 HIV+ patients at the "Juan A. Fernandez Hospital", Buenos Aires, Argentina. For each of the 29 items, patients indicated their responses on a five point scale ranging from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree". Oral health needs were assessed through the CCITN (Community Caries Index of Treatment Need) and the CPITN (Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Need). Data on CD4 cell count, pharyngeal-esophageal candidiasis, tuberculosis, pneumonia and hospitalization because of HIV-related opportunistic diseases were recorded. A linear regression model was built in which the number of items reporting wrong dental beliefs was the dependent variable and the remaining variables were independent. Altogether 65.7% were male (36.0 +/- 0.87 y.o.) and 34.3% were female (36.11 +/- 1.21 y.o.) patients. The eight independent variables were significant for the model (F(8.93)= 93.20, p < 0.05; R = 0.80). The estimated parameters were all positive except for CD4 cell counts. The results demonstrate that the DCBS was useful to identify HIV+ patients as a caries and periodontal disease risk group because of their wrong dental beliefs and suggests the need of dental education interventions.
Gabriel A Sánchez, Luciana R D'Eramo, Mercedes A Cabrini, Rodolfo Lecumberri, Aldo F Squassi. Dental beliefs in HIV+ patients with different oral health care needs. Acta odontológica latinoamericana : AOL. 2009;22(2):81-6
PMID: 19839482
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