Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Medicinal Genetics, Gothenburg University, Medicinaregatan 9A, 40530 Gothenburg, Sweden.
European journal of cell biology 2010 Feb-MarThe apical plasma membrane of epithelia presents the interface between organs and the external environment. It has biochemical activities distinct from those of the basal and lateral plasma membranes, as it accommodates the production and assembly of ordered apical matrices involved in organ protection and physiology and determines the microenvironment in the apical extracellular milieu. Here, we emphasise the importance of the apical plasma membrane in tissue differentiation, by mainly focussing on the embryo of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, and discuss the principal organisation of the apical plasma membrane into repetitive subdomains of specific topologies and activities essential for epithelial function. Copyright 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Anne Uv, Bernard Moussian. The apical plasma membrane of Drosophila embryonic epithelia. European journal of cell biology. 2010 Feb-Mar;89(2-3):208-11
PMID: 19944479
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