Ketsarin Utriyaprasit, Shirley M Moore, Praditchai Chaiseri
Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University, Bankoknoi, Bangkok, Thailand.
Journal of advanced nursing 2010 AugThe aim of the study was to test the effect of an audiotape giving concrete objective information and strategies to reduce symptoms, psychological distress and enhance physical functioning in patients having coronary artery bypass grafts. The period following hospital discharge is stressful for patients having coronary artery bypass grafts. Evident-based interventions are needed to improve outcomes in Thai populations following coronary artery bypass graft surgery. A randomized controlled trial was conducted during 2004-2005. A sample of 120 Thai patients having coronary artery bypass grafts was randomly assigned to an intervention group or a control group. The intervention group was given an information audiotape the day prior to hospital discharge, and encouraged to listen to it as many times as necessary. Participants were interviewed using validated instruments predischarge and at 2 weeks and 4 weeks after discharge. Participants in the intervention group had statistically significantly fewer symptoms of shoulder, back or neck pain and lack of appetite, and increased physical activity after discharge, compared to the control group. This effect remained statistically significant after controlling for age, gender, co-morbidity and presurgical cardiac functional status. However, no statistically significant difference in psychological distress was observed. Nurses can use an audiotape containing preparatory information to improve outcomes for patients having coronary artery bypass grafts during the few weeks after discharge from hospital. Further studies are recommended to improve its effect on psychological distress.
Ketsarin Utriyaprasit, Shirley M Moore, Praditchai Chaiseri. Recovery after coronary artery bypass surgery: effect of an audiotape information programme. Journal of advanced nursing. 2010 Aug;66(8):1747-59
PMID: 20557390
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