Jing-Hua Zhang, Chun Li, Li-Li Sun, Tao He
Department of Stomatology, PUMC Hospital, CAMS and PUMC, Beijing 100730, China. lsclss@vip.sina.com
Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao. Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae 2010 JunTo investigate the situation of gingival bleeding in patients with untreated gingivitis. Totally 444 patients with untreated gingivitis were enrolled in one district located in Beijing. The gingival bleeding, except the third molars, was evaluated using the gingival bleeding index (GBI). The sites of GBI=1 were 8.15+/-7.17 in males and 5.65+/-5.65 in females (P=0.0003). The sites of GBI=2 were 33.48+/-21.65 among subjects aged 35-50 years and 24.31+/-18.15 among subjects aged 18-29 years (P=0.03). The first left mandible molars had the highest GBI, while the right maxillary incisors got the lowest GBI. The posterior teeth, the lingual surface, and the proximal region had more sites than the anterior teeth, the buccal surface, and the central region on GBI=1, GBI=2 and total sites P<0.05. The severity of gingival bleeding is associated with age and gender, and tends to be site-specific.
Jing-Hua Zhang, Chun Li, Li-Li Sun, Tao He. An epidemiological survey on gingival bleeding among patients with untreated gingivitis]. Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao. Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae. 2010 Jun;32(3):280-2
PMID: 20602879
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