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Different HPLC chromatographic systems were investigated on a C18 ACE 5 pm, 150 x 4.6 mm id column for the determination of tymazoline, tramazoline, and antazoline, with either naphazoline or xylometazoline, in commercial preparations. For the development and optimization of the systems, a Response Surface Method (r=0.925-0.980) was used to illustrate the changes in k as a function of pH values and different salt concentrations. The simultaneous separation of 2-imidazolines was accomplished at 40 degrees C with 0.01 M ammonium acetate-methanol (50+50, v/v, pH 6.0) mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.2 mL/min. In order to deal with the usual coexistence of 2-imidazolines with benzethonium and benzalkonium chloride preservatives, it was necessary to use another chromatographic system, 0.01 M ammonium acetate-methanol (50+50, v/v) mobile phase on a cyano ACE 5 pm, 150 x 4.6 mm id column. As part of a more thorough theoretical investigation, a partial least-squares (PLS) technique was used for modeling the RP-HPLC retention data. The model was based on molecular structure descriptors of the analytes' X variables and on their retention time (Log K) Y. The goodness of fit was estimated by the PLS correlation coefficient (r2) and root mean square error of estimation values, which were 0.994 and 0.0479, respectively.


Constantinos G Antoniou, Catherine K Markopoulou, Maria G Kouskoura, John E Koundourellis. Study and development of reversed-phase HPLC systems for the determination of 2-imidazolines in the presence of preservatives in pharmaceutical preparations. Journal of AOAC International. 2011 May-Jun;94(3):703-12

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PMID: 21796997

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