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This article summarizes important advantages, disadvantages and the process of treatment of patients after lower limb amputation on the level of the femur, with osseointegrated prosthesis. In the process of treatment bone-integrated material is implanted to the femur, with allows for structural and functional connection between live tissue and the prosthesis. This solution allows the patient for easy usage and direct steerage of the prosthesis, transferring of body weight to the floor and detection of sensation in the moment of contact between prosthesis and the ground. Osseointegrated prostheses in the femur gives the opportunity not to use the traditional solutions and socket-related problems as: mobility difficulties, skin sores, rush, pain during weight bearing, temporary changes of the stump volume, difficulty donning the prosthesis, unreliability of prosthesis being securely suspended. Osseointegration is possible even in cases, when quality of skin and short stump enables to use the traditional prosthetic socket. It is used after lower and upper limbs amputations. This kind of prosthetic solutions has some disadvantages and limitations. It is expensive and demanding. It can be used in cooperative patients, who take active part in the process of implantation, rehabilitation and in future usage if the prosthesis.


Robert Rochmiński, Marcin Sibński, Marek Synder. Osseointegration as a method of direct stabilization of amputation prostheses to the bone]. Chirurgia narzadów ruchu i ortopedia polska. 2011 Jan-Feb;76(1):36-40

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PMID: 21850996

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