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A 60-year-old woman who had had a history of renal cell carcinoma with intraperitoneal recurrence presented with multiple liver masses. Computed tomography demonstrated multiple enhancing lesions in the both lobes of the liver, and there was an apparent small vessel coursing within one of the lesions. On magnetic resonance imaging, masses showed slight T1 and T2 prolongation, and restricted diffusion: On the hepatobiliary phase of liver-specific contrast agent enhancement, lesions were shown as low signal intensity of varying degree. Liver metastases from renal cell carcinoma were suspected, and partial hepatectomy was performed for the superficially located nodules to make a definitive diagnosis. The final pathological diagnosis was reactive lymphoid hyperplasia or pseudolymphoma of the liver.


Akinobu Osame, Ritsuko Fujimitsu, Mikiko Ida, Satoru Majima, Morishige Takeshita, Kengo Yoshimitsu. Multinodular pseudolymphoma of the liver: computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings. Japanese journal of radiology. 2011 Aug;29(7):524-7

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PMID: 21882097

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