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This is a cross-sectional study that aims to identify reasons that make individuals in a higher education institution to become or not to become smokers. The data were collected in 2009, with specific questionnaires analyzed statistically. The sample was of 426 subjects, of which 21 (5%) smokers, 26 (6.1%) ex-smokers and 376 (88.9%) non-smokers. The main reasons for smokers to quit smoking are the health problems that arise from it. Nicotine addiction is among the factors that make this process difficult. Ex-smokers say that emotional issues and the pleasure of smoking can make them smoke again, but they remain abstinent because they are determined not to smoke. Non-smokers report they don't like the cigarette, its smell and its smoke. The reasons to be a smoker or a non-smoker can help implementing health education actions that prevent people from starting to smoke and that help them stop.


Stephani Amanda Lukasewicz Ferreira, Carolina de Castilhos Teixeiraa, Ana Paula Almeida Corrêa, Amália de Fátima Lucena, Isabel Cristina Echerc. Reasons that make individuals in a higher education institution to become or not to become smokers]. Revista gaúcha de enfermagem / EENFUFRGS. 2011 Jun;32(2):287-93

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PMID: 21987989

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