Harry A van Diepen, Jeffrey Pansier, Paul Oude Wesselink, Aric van Drie, Marcel van Duin, Sabine Mulders
Women's Health Department, Merck Research Laboratories, Oss, The Netherlands. havandiepen@gmail.com
Journal of medical primatology 2012 FebIn women, different events of folliculogenesis can be measured and evaluated using ultrasound (US) technology. The availability of a non-invasive translational non-human primate model to study these processes would represent a major contribution to further advance R&D efforts toward novel therapies in assisted reproduction. In our study, follicular growth and ovulation was measured in six cyclic Cynomolgus monkeys using abdominal Doppler US. The mean follicular diameter on cycle day -6 (cycle day 0=day of ovulation) was 3.7mm that increased to 6.8mm on cycle day -1. After ovulation, the mean diameter decreased to 4.6mm, confirming ovulation. The mean percentage of follicular size reduction after ovulation was 31%. Ultrasonography in combination with color-flow Doppler imaging was shown to be a useful, non-invasive translational method to measure ovarian follicular growth and occurrence and timing of follicular rupture in Cynomolgus monkeys. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Harry A van Diepen, Jeffrey Pansier, Paul Oude Wesselink, Aric van Drie, Marcel van Duin, Sabine Mulders. Non-invasive translational Cynomolgus model for studying folliculogenesis and ovulation using color Doppler ultrasonography. Journal of medical primatology. 2012 Feb;41(1):18-23
PMID: 22084982
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