Charlotte Valat, Marisa Haenni, Estelle Saras, Frédéric Auvray, Karine Forest, Eric Oswald, Jean-Yves Madec
Unité Antibiorésistance et Virulence Bactériennes, ANSES Site de Lyon, Lyon, France.
Applied and environmental microbiology 2012 FebWe report the discovery of a CTX-M-15-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) of serogroup O111:H8, a major serotype responsible for human enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) infections. In line with the recent CTX-M-15/O104:H4 E. coli outbreak, these data may reflect an accelerating spread of resistance to expanded-spectrum cephalosporins within the E. coli population, including STEC isolates.
Charlotte Valat, Marisa Haenni, Estelle Saras, Frédéric Auvray, Karine Forest, Eric Oswald, Jean-Yves Madec. CTX-M-15 extended-spectrum β-lactamase in a shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli isolate of serotype O111:H8. Applied and environmental microbiology. 2012 Feb;78(4):1308-9
PMID: 22156432
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