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Diabetes type 2 is the most frequent metabolic disorder in Croatia, and also in all developed countries as well as in most of the countries in development. Chronic complications of diabetes are significant contributors to the morbidity in the population, and their management consumes a considerable amount of financial health resources. Previous treatment possibilities showed limited results in reducing the frequency of chronic complications and their consequences. Advancement in medical knowledge provides better understanding of etiology and pathogenesis of diabetes type 2, allowing as well a development of the new categories of drugs. Liraglutide is a representative of a new drug class which shows significant advantages over former medications.


Branko Novak, Zeljko Metelko. Liraglutide in the treatment of diabetes type 2]. Lijec̆nic̆ki vjesnik. 2011 Jul-Aug;133(7-8):269-76

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PMID: 22165195

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