Wanessa C Lima, Florence Leuba, Thierry Soldati, Pierre Cosson
Department of Cell Physiology and Metabolism, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland. Wanessa.DeLima@unige.ch
Journal of cell science 2012 May 1Mucolipidosis type IV is a poorly understood lysosomal storage disease caused by alterations in the mucolipin lysosomal Ca(2+) channel. In this study, we generated mucolipin-knockout Dictyostelium cells, and observed that lysosome exocytosis was markedly increased in these cells compared with wild-type cells. In addition, mucolipin-knockout cells were more resistant to Ca(2+) deprivation, and the Ca(2+) concentration in their secretory lysosomes was decreased, suggesting that mucolipin transfers Ca(2+) ions from the cytosol to the lumen of secretory lysosomes. We speculate that mucolipin attenuates the fusogenic effect of local cytosolic increases in Ca(2+) by dissipating them into the lumen of lysosomal compartments.
Wanessa C Lima, Florence Leuba, Thierry Soldati, Pierre Cosson. Mucolipin controls lysosome exocytosis in Dictyostelium. Journal of cell science. 2012 May 1;125(Pt 9):2315-22
PMID: 22357942
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