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The purpose of this article is to discuss the general and oral findings in a patient with Fahr's disease, an uncommon disorder. A patient presented with the complaint of partial anodontia, but further clinical and radiographic investigations showed a myriad of findings including stunted growth, osteoporosis and pathological calcifications. Oral findings included oligodontia and advanced periodontitis in relation to the present teeth. Full-mouth rehabilitation was eventually planned for the patient. This case shows the necessity for dentists to be aware of symptoms associated with Fahr's syndrome in order to make appropriate referrals and to enable diagnosis and treatment. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.


Amita Aditya, Shailesh Lele, Priyam Aditya. Fahr's disease with oral manifestations: report of a rare case. Medical principles and practice : international journal of the Kuwait University, Health Science Centre. 2012;21(4):395-7

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PMID: 22472706

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