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Cancer survivors are at increased risk of second cancers. Lymphoproliferative disorders (LPD) are common neoplasms that are primary or subsequent cancers in cases of multiple primary cancer. We here analyzed metachronous or synchronous LPD in multiple primary cancers. Between 2001 and 2010, LPD were assessed retrospectively in 242 multiple primary cancers patients. Forty nine (20.2%) patients with LPD were detected. Six patients had two LPD where one patient had three LPD. The median age of patients was 60.5 years (range: 28-81). LPD were diagnosed in 29 patients as primary cancer, in 23 patients as second cancer, and in three patients as third cancer in multiple primary cancers. Primary tumor median age was 56 (range: 20-79). Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (n=16), breast cancer (n=9), and lung cancer (n=6) were detected as subsequent cancers. Alklylating agents were used in 19 patients (43.2%) and 20 patients (45.5%) had received radiotherapy for primary cancer treatment. The median follow-up was 70 months (range: 7-284). Second malignancies were detected after a median of 51 months (range: 7-278), and third malignancies with a median of 18 months (range: 6-72). In this study, although breast and lung cancer were the most frequent detected solid cancers in LPD survivors, diffuse large B cell lymphoma was the most frequent detected LPD in multiple primary cancers.


Umut Demirci, Nuriye Ozdemir, Mustafa Benekli, Nalan Akgul Babacan, Bulent Cetin, Meltem Baykara, Ugur Coskun, Nurullah Zengin, Suleyman Buyukberber. Lymphoproliferative disorders in multiple primary cancers. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. 2012;13(1):383-6

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PMID: 22502706

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