The article deals with the analysis of 94 cases of tuberculosis among students of Krasnoyarsk state medical university in 1987-2010. The characteristics of disease structure and the outcomes of treatment are established The importance of mandatoty annual fluorography of students as a group with higher risk of tuberculosis infection is proved The tuberculin sensitivity and tuberculosis mycobacteria contamination of students of curative and pediatric faculties are examined. It is demonstrated that teaching in medical university is to be considered as a risk factor of primary tuberculosis infection with consequent development of disease. The proposal was made to organize a specific prevention (BCG revaccination) for medical universities students especially during the period of epidemiologic troubles.
N M Koretskaia, I A Bol'shakova. The organization of prevention of tuberculosis among medical university students]. Problemy sot͡sialʹnoĭ gigieny, zdravookhranenii͡a i istorii medit͡siny / NII sot͡sialʹnoĭ gigieny, ėkonomiki i upravlenii͡a zdravookhraneniem im. N.A. Semashko RAMN ; AO "Assot͡siat͡sii͡a 'Medit͡sinskai͡a literatura'.". 2011 Nov-Dec(6):33-5
PMID: 22611986
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