S Ibrahim, Mohd Amri Md Yunus, R G Green, K Dutton
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia. salleh@fke.utm.my
ISA transactions 2012 NovOptical tomography provides a means for the determination of the spatial distribution of materials with different optical density in a volume by non-intrusive means. This paper presents results of concentration measurements of gas bubbles in a water column using an optical tomography system. A hydraulic flow rig is used to generate vertical air-water two-phase flows with controllable bubble flow rate. Two approaches are investigated. The first aims to obtain an average gas concentration at the measurement section, the second aims to obtain a gas distribution profile by using tomographic imaging. A hybrid back-projection algorithm is used to calculate concentration profiles from measured sensor values to provide a tomographic image of the measurement cross-section. The algorithm combines the characteristic of an optical sensor as a hard field sensor and the linear back projection algorithm. Copyright © 2012 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S Ibrahim, Mohd Amri Md Yunus, R G Green, K Dutton. Concentration measurements of bubbles in a water column using an optical tomography system. ISA transactions. 2012 Nov;51(6):821-6
PMID: 22624831
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