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To describe both parent and student perspectives on the importance of various programmatic factors when deciding to participate in a school-located immunizations program (SLIP) for influenza vaccine. Questionnaires were distributed to middle- and high-school students and their parents; the document assessed demographic data, influenza vaccination history, and the importance of various factors in their decision to participate in a potential SLIP for influenza vaccine. Factor analysis created six primary factors of importance related to programming: (1) safety/trust; (2) outbreaks (representing imminent threat of disease, an environmental factor associated with program timing); (3) issues of site implementation; (4) public health benefits; (5) record-keeping; (6) medical/emotional support. Participants included 621 students and 579 parents; 566 student/parent dyads were included. Most respondents were female, felt it is important to be immunized against the flu, and received the influenza vaccine in the past. Fewer than 50% had received the intranasal vaccine. More parents (67%) than students (46%) expressed a general willingness to consent to utilizing a SLIP. The programmatic factors associated with public health were second only to safety/trust factors as the most important to parents and students when considering participation in a SLIP. Demographic variables were found to be associated with the importance ratings of program factors associated with participation in a SLIP. When considering possible participation in SLIPs, parents and students consider programmatic factors associated with safety/trust and public health benefits to be of the greatest importance. Further study will be needed to develop effective and culturally sensitive messaging that targets and emphasizes these factors to potentially increase participation in SLIPS. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Amy B Middleman, Mary B Short, Jean S Doak. School-located influenza immunization programs: factors important to parents and students. Vaccine. 2012 Jul 13;30(33):4993-9

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PMID: 22633867

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