Anne Anker Thyø, Susanne Bach Lausten
Kirurgisk Afdeling, Regionshospitalet Horsens, Sundvej 30, Horsens.
Ugeskrift for laeger 2012 May 21A 15 year-old girl with three days of upper abdominal pain was admitted to hospital. Vital parametres were within normal limits. Blood samples and abdominal computed tomography were normal. As pain increased diagnostic laparoscopy was performed and mesenteriel lymphadenitis was found. Thorough examinations were performed including laparotomy. A synachtentest showed an insufficient level of cortisol. The patient was diagnosed with Addison's disease and responded well to treatment with cortisone. Symptoms of adrenal insufficiency can be vague, and it is important to keep the diagnosis in mind in patients with unexplained abdominal pain.
Anne Anker Thyø, Susanne Bach Lausten. Addison's disease causing acute abdomen]. Ugeskrift for laeger. 2012 May 21;174(21):1458-9
PMID: 22640787
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