Yi-Feng Li, Shu-Ying Xie, Dan-Dan Lin
Jiangxi Provincial Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Nanchang 330046, China.
Zhongguo xue xi chong bing fang zhi za zhi = Chinese journal of schistosomiasis control 2012 AprAntibody against schistosome is related closely to the infection and reinfection of schistosome. This paper reviews the dynamic changes of schistosome-specific antibody under different infection situations, the effect and regulation of antibody to the reinfection, and the applicable value of antibody in diagnosis and effect evaluation of chemotherapy.
Yi-Feng Li, Shu-Ying Xie, Dan-Dan Lin. Antibody against schistosome and schistosome infection and reinfection]. Zhongguo xue xi chong bing fang zhi za zhi = Chinese journal of schistosomiasis control. 2012 Apr;24(2):217-21, 227
PMID: 22799175
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