José María Mellado, Joaquín Martín, Susana Solanas, Nerea Yanguas, Javier Salceda, María Rosa Cozcolluela
Department of Radiology, Hospital Reina Sofía, Ctra Tarazona, Tudela, Navarra, Spain.
Current problems in diagnostic radiology 2012 Sep-OctWe review uncommon causes of acute abdominal pain in which inconclusive multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) studies were followed by emergency surgery and unexpected diagnoses. Despite dedicated protocols and technical advances, MDCT of uncommon causes of acute abdominal pain still represents a significant challenge for the radiologist on call. We emphasize diagnostic pearls and pitfalls that may help the radiologist on call identify or suspect these uncommon causes of acute abdominal pain on MDCT. Copyright © 2012 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
José María Mellado, Joaquín Martín, Susana Solanas, Nerea Yanguas, Javier Salceda, María Rosa Cozcolluela. Uncommon causes of acute abdominal pain: multidetector computed tomography pearls and pitfalls for the radiologist on call. Current problems in diagnostic radiology. 2012 Sep-Oct;41(5):179-88
PMID: 22818838
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