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Molecular biomarkers are molecules whose concentrations in a biological system inform about the current phenotypical state and, more importantly, may also be predictive of future phenotypic trait endpoints. The identification of biomarkers has gained much attention in targeted plant breeding since technologies have become available that measure many molecules across different levels of molecular organization and at decreasing costs. In this chapter, we outline the general strategy and workflow of conducting biomarker discovery studies. Critical aspects of study design as well as the statistical data analysis and model building will be highlighted.


Christian Schudoma, Matthias Steinfath, Heike Sprenger, Joost T van Dongen, Dirk Hincha, Ellen Zuther, Peter Geigenberger, Joachim Kopka, Karin Köhl, Dirk Walther. Conducting molecular biomarker discovery studies in plants. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2012;918:127-50

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PMID: 22893290

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