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As global networks are built up, interlingual communication in ophthalmology becomes more and more important. Similar to any other specialised discipline, this raises the dilemma that on one hand precision is mandatory for an exact translation, but on the other hand translators often do not have the scientific and physicians the linguistic knowledge to fulfill this need. Furthermore, even within one language ophthalmological terminology is partially ill defined, and this problem multiplies when translating it into various other languages. However, translation errors can have serious consequences, particularly in medical disciplines. This case study casuistically demonstrates the most common basic mechanisms for translation errors in ophthalmology and shows a potential approach for solution. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.


P Franko Zeitz, W Petersen. Translation errors in ophthalmology]. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde. 2013 Mar;230(3):275-7

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PMID: 23070849

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