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Determine the effects of serial episodes of anoxia in an in vitro peripheral nerve preparation. The nerve action potential (NAP) from rat sciatic nerve was recorded during 5 cycles of anoxia and reperfusion. Multiple NAP parameters were analyzed as well as stimulus response curves. The amplitude of the NAP declined to half baseline in 865 s on the first cycle of anoxia and recovered to half baseline during recovery in 470 s. These times increased with successive cycles of anoxia. The current required to produce a half maximal NAP showed a variable initial decrease before increasing with anoxia. The paired-pulse response showed a decline at 2-3 ms interstimulus interval during anoxia but was less dependent of interstimulus interval during recovery. NAP amplitude and velocity decrease over successive cycles of anoxia at a rate greater than in the absence of anoxia. The NAP declines slowly when peripheral nerve is exposed to anoxia but returns at least twice as quickly when re-exposed to oxygen. Short periods of anoxia produce long lasting changes in the nerve suggesting greater resistance to anoxia. With serial episodes of anoxia there is gradual NAP amplitude reduction and increase in duration and latency. Anoxic-preconditioning appears in isolated peripheral nerve. Copyright © 2012 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


Mark Stecker, Jacob Wolfe, Matthew Stevenson. Neurophysiologic responses of peripheral nerve to repeated episodes of anoxia. Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 2013 Apr;124(4):792-800

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PMID: 23084661

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