Marcel Arheit, Daniel Castaño-Diéz, Raphaël Thierry, Priyanka Abeyrathne, Bryant R Gipson, Henning Stahlberg
C-CINA, Biozentrum, University Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 2013Electron crystallography of membrane proteins uses cryo-transmission electron microscopy to record images and diffraction patterns of frozen-hydrated 2D crystals. Each two-dimensional (2D) crystal is only imaged once, at one specific tilt angle, and the recorded images can be automatically processed with the 2dx/MRC software package. Processed image data from non-tilted and tilted 2D crystals then need to be merged into a 3D reconstruction of the membrane protein structure. We here describe the process of the 3D merging, using the 2dx software system.
Marcel Arheit, Daniel Castaño-Diéz, Raphaël Thierry, Priyanka Abeyrathne, Bryant R Gipson, Henning Stahlberg. Merging of image data in electron crystallography. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2013;955:195-209
PMID: 23132062
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