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The present study included 161 patients with vibration disease associated with dyscirculatory encephalopathy. It was designed to estimate the degree of cognitive dysfunction and the efficacy of its treatment by physiobalneotherapeutic techniiques including low-frequency pulsed currents in combination with general artificial sodium chloride and iodine bromide baths. In addition, the influence of combined therapy on the clinical course of the disease, results of neuropsychological tests, and cerebral hemodynamics was evaluated.


Iu M Borzunova, A A Fedorov. Combined physiobalneotherapy of vibration disease associated with dyscirculatory encephalopathy in the miners]. Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoĭ fizicheskoĭ kultury. 2012 Sep-Oct(5):16-9

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PMID: 23210356

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