Leticia Ramos de Arvelos, Vanessa Custódio Afonso Rocha, Gabriela Pereira Felix, Cleine Chagas da Cunha, Morun Bernardino Neto, Mario da Silva Garrote Filho, Conceição de Fátima Pinheiro, Elmiro Santos Resende, Nilson Penha-Silva
The Journal of membrane biology 2013 MarThe stability of the erythrocyte membrane, which is essential for the maintenance of cell functions, occurs in a critical region of fluidity, which depends largely on its composition and the composition and characteristics of the medium. As the composition of the erythrocyte membrane is influenced by several blood variables, the stability of the erythrocyte membrane must have relations with them. The present study aimed to evaluate, by bivariate and multivariate statistical analyses, the correlations and causal relationships between hematologic and biochemical variables and the stability of the erythrocyte membrane against the chaotropic action of ethanol. The validity of this type of analysis depends on the homogeneity of the population and on the variability of the studied parameters, conditions that can be filled by patients who undergo bariatric surgery by the technique of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass since they will suffer feeding restrictions that have great impact on their blood composition. Pathway analysis revealed that an increase in hemoglobin leads to decreased stability of the cell, probably through a process mediated by an increase in mean corpuscular volume. Furthermore, an increase in the mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) leads to an increase in erythrocyte membrane stability, probably because higher values of MCH are associated with smaller quantities of red blood cells and a larger contact area between the cell membrane and ethanol present in the medium.
Leticia Ramos de Arvelos, Vanessa Custódio Afonso Rocha, Gabriela Pereira Felix, Cleine Chagas da Cunha, Morun Bernardino Neto, Mario da Silva Garrote Filho, Conceição de Fátima Pinheiro, Elmiro Santos Resende, Nilson Penha-Silva. Bivariate and multivariate analyses of the influence of blood variables of patients submitted to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass on the stability of erythrocyte membrane against the chaotropic action of ethanol. The Journal of membrane biology. 2013 Mar;246(3):231-42
PMID: 23344659
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