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Congenital malformations (CM) are considered as 10 leading causes for global burdens of the disease. The study aimed to assess the knowledge on CM among pregnant residents of Tbilisi. Investigation was carried out on the base of "D. Gagua Clinic", LLC, Tbilisi. 470 women, visiting the clinic for antenatal monitoring, were involved in the study to provide an appropriate assessment of pregnant. Assessment of basic knowledge of the women was conducted according to the specially developed questionnaire and completed by the respondents at their visiting to the doctors. The level of knowledge on prevention of CM among the pregnant residents of Tbilisi is low while relationship to CM in the first place is associated with this group of population. The knowledge on CM is comparatively higher in women older than 30 and among the pregnant with higher education. Certain differences in the level of knowledge on CM was found among temporary unemployed women (housewives) and employed respondents. The differences in knowledge on CM among women with first and second delivery were not revealed. On the background of the obtained results it should be concluded that the level of knowledge on CM among reproductive age women residents of Tbilisi is not satisfactory. There is direct evidence of low preventive activity and bareness of measures regarding to family planning as well.


G Gagoshidze, E Mirvelashvili, B Tkeshelashvili, D Gagua. An assessment of the level of knowledge on congenital malformations among pregnant residents of tbilisi]. Georgian medical news. 2013 Jan(214):7-10

PMID: 23388526

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