Ana Laura Villasuso, Maria A Di Palma, Marta Aveldaño, Susana J Pasquaré, Graciela Racagni, Norma M Giusto, Estela E Machado
Química Biológica, FCEFQN, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, X5804BYA Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina.
Plant physiology and biochemistry : PPB / Société française de physiologie végétale 2013 AprPhosphatidic acid (PA) is the common lipid product in abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellic acid (GA) response. In this work we investigated the lipid metabolism in response to both hormones. We could detect an in vivo phospholipase D activity (PLD, EC This PLD produced [(32)P]PA (phosphatidic acid) rapidly (minutes) in the presence of ABA, confirming PA involvement in signal transduction, and transiently, indicating rapid PA removal after generation. The presence of PA removal by phosphatidate phosphatase 1 and 2 isoforms (E.C. was verified in isolated aleurone membranes in vitro, the former but not the latter being specifically responsive to the presence of GA or ABA. The in vitro DGPP phosphatase activity was not modified by short time incubation with GA or ABA while the in vitro PA kinase - that allows the production of 18:2-DGPP from 18:2-PA - is stimulated by ABA. The long term effects (24 h) of ABA or GA on lipid and fatty acid composition of aleurone layer cells were then investigated. An increase in PC and, to a lesser extent, in PE levels is the consequence of both hormone treatments. ABA, in aleurone layer cells, specifically activates a PLD whose product, PA, could be the substrate of PAP1 and/or PAK activities. Neither PLD nor PAK activation can be monitored by GA treatment. The increase in PAP1 activity monitored after ABA or GA treatment might participate in the increase in PC level observed after 24 h hormone incubation. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Ana Laura Villasuso, Maria A Di Palma, Marta Aveldaño, Susana J Pasquaré, Graciela Racagni, Norma M Giusto, Estela E Machado. Differences in phosphatidic acid signalling and metabolism between ABA and GA treatments of barley aleurone cells. Plant physiology and biochemistry : PPB / Société française de physiologie végétale. 2013 Apr;65:1-8
PMID: 23416490
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