Vassilis Gerodimos, Konstantina Karatrantou
Dept. of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Thessaly, Trikala, Greece.
Pediatric exercise science 2013 MayThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the intersession and the intrasession reliability of maximal handgrip strength test in young wrestlers. Twenty-seven prepubertal (9.49 ± 0.96 yrs) and twenty-seven pubertal (14.60 ± 0.50 yrs) male wrestlers performed two assessment sessions separated by one day. Both assessments included a testing protocol consisted of three maximal isometric contractions, on both hands using a hydraulic dynamometer (Jamar). The intersession and intrasession reliability was high for both prepubertal and pubertal wrestlers (ICC = 0.87-0.99). The single trial as well as the best of two and three trials of handgrip strength were slightly less reliable (ICC = 0.87-0.94) than the mean of two and three trials in prepubertal (ICC = 0.95-0.97). The present results indicate that maximum handgrip strength can be measured reliably, using the Jamar dynamometer, in young wrestlers. A single trial as well as the two trials can be used as reliable, less-tiring and less time-consuming methods for the evaluation of handgrip strength than the three trials.
Vassilis Gerodimos, Konstantina Karatrantou. Reliability of maximal handgrip strength test in pre-pubertal and pubertal wrestlers. Pediatric exercise science. 2013 May;25(2):308-22
PMID: 23504706
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