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The DNA cis-syn cyclobutane photoproduct formed between two adjacent cytosine residues is highly mutagenic and responsible for the tandem CC to TT transition. However, its instability has prevented its in vitro study, so far. With a view to prepare oligodeoxynucleotides containing the CC cyclobutane lesion, we have synthesized in good yield a ditetrazolouracil cyclobutane dinucleotide photoproduct as a stable precursor of this photoproduct. Our approach also overcomes the low photochemical reactivity of the cytosine-cytosine deoxydinucleoside monophosphate.


Frédéric Peyrane, Pascale Clivio. Sensitized photochemistry of di(4-tetrazolouracil) dinucleoside monophosphate as a route to dicytosine cyclobutane photoproduct precursors. Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology. 2013 Aug;12(8):1366-74

PMID: 23572020

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