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Hypercoagulability is a well documented feature of pregnancy and contributes to the increased incidences of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in pregnancy. Thromboembolism remains a leading cause of maternal death in the UK, though it's predicted that up to two thirds of these deaths could be prevented if appropriate thrombophylaxsis is adopted. This article aims to further midwives' knowledge in relation to thromboprophylaxsis, focusing in particular on graduated compression stockings (GCS). It aims to assist midwives in identifying those women at high risk of developing a VTE, explain the way in which compressio stockings can reduce thromboembolism and provide advice on their application and the clinical observations required.


Cerian Llewelyn. We've got it covered! Graduated compression stockings. The practising midwife. 2013 May;16(5):19-20, 22

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PMID: 23789250

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