Endotoxine activated Kupfer cells release into the intercellular space several mediators which act directly on hepatocytes as well as via stellet cells. In both cases Kupfer cells downregulate hepatocytes as a part of paracrine system. However, downregulated part of liver parenchyma might be extended by several mechanisms. The first one is release of vasoconstrictors from activated Kupfer cells which stimulate stellet cells contraction. This effect may also be achieved by formation of hypermetabolicfocuses by Kupffer cells mediators with further activation of hepatocyte-hepatocyte interactions based on the principle of cell competition for oxygen in the intercellular space. Regulatory influence of activated Kupfer cells may be spread in liver parenchyma with participation of the mechanism of intratissue hepatocyte-hepatocyte interactions which also realize tissue stress reaction.
G M Elbakidze, A G Medentsev. Intraorganic and intratissue mechanisms of protective action of activated Kupffer cells on hepatocytes]. Vestnik Rossiĭskoĭ akademii meditsinskikh nauk / Rossiĭskaia akademiia meditsinskikh nauk. 2013(2):50-5
PMID: 23819329
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