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We assessed 5 patients with histologically/clinically confirmed placenta accreta after first-trimester abortion. In 4 patients, sonography showed an unclear endometrium, absence of an endometrium-myometrium interface, a well-vascularized hyperechoic lesion in the uterine body with a low resistive index, and myometrial thinning near the lesion. In 2 patients, contrast-enhanced sonography showed rapid irregular lesion enhancement. Chemotherapy reduced the lesions in 3 patients, and a decreased blood supply increased the resistive index in all lesions. Two patients each underwent hysterectomy and uterine curettage. The fifth patient had a cervical pregnancy; sonography showed a well-vascularized hyperechoic lesion in an enlarged cervix. Methotrexate gradually reduced this lesion. Sonography, especially contrast-enhanced sonography, can detect placenta accreta and guide treatment.


Ping Li, Qichao Zheng, Bin Xiong, Hongbing Cai. Sonographic features of placenta accreta after first-trimester abortion. Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. 2013 Aug;32(8):1509-14

PMID: 23887964

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