Zbynek Sklenár, Vladimír Scigel, Katerina Horácková, Ondrej Slanar
Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Pharmacology, Albertov 4, 128 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic. zbynek.sklenar@gmail.com
Acta poloniae pharmaceutica 2013 Jul-AugTherapy of oral, esophageal and gastrointestinal candidiasis is still a common problem that can be solved by an administration of antimycotics. Major disadvantage of registered commercial antifungal medicinal products is their price, so the health care system and its payers may profit from extemporaneous compounding. An appropriate drug therapy for candidiasis (trush) is nystatin, which is a substance available in the Czech Republic for the magistral preparation relatively recently, since 2010. Making formulas for extemporaneous compounding is quite simple and preparations particularly useful for dentists, pediatricians, otolaryngologists, oncologists and gastroenterologists. The authors formulated composition of viscous oromucosal suspension, oral/oromucosal hydrogel and oromucosal gelatine globule which may be present as compounded products containing nystatin for oromucosal and/or oral administration. The preparation is practically verified and magistral products have been already used in clinical practice.
Zbynek Sklenár, Vladimír Scigel, Katerina Horácková, Ondrej Slanar. Compounded preparations with nystatin for oral and oromucosal administration. Acta poloniae pharmaceutica. 2013 Jul-Aug;70(4):759-62
PMID: 23923400
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