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This report describes the results from the last international prevalence measurement of care problems in the Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland, including the course of the prevalence rates during the past 4 years. Basic care problems such as pressure ulcers, malnutrition and falls occur frequently in healthcare organizations. Measuring these care problems provides insight into their occurrence, and, while a measurement is included of the prevention, treatment and structural quality indicators, this gives institutions the possibility of improving their care regarding these care problems. An annual cross-sectional multicentre study. The prevalence measurement of care problems is conducted annually on one specific day in different healthcare settings, among which are hospitals and care homes. Data are collected by means of a comprehensive, standardized questionnaire that comprises three levels: institutional, ward/department and patient level. Besides general characteristics of patients, results are presented for prevalence rates, prevention, treatment and quality indicators regarding each care problem for each country. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


Ruud J G Halfens, Esther Meesterberends, Noémi C van Nie-Visser, Christa Lohrmann, Silvia Schönherr, Judith M M Meijers, Sabine Hahn, Christa Vangelooven, Jos M G A Schols. International prevalence measurement of care problems: results. Journal of advanced nursing. 2013 Sep;69(9):e5-e17

PMID: 23941059

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