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In this work, we provided direct evidence for the first time that exposure to a static magnetic field (SMF) of low intensity (2 mT) is immediately followed by a reversible cell membrane depolarization wave (of about 1 min) that causes the rise of intracellular calcium and the decrease of mitochondrial activity of vital granulosa cells. These effects are likely due to the increase in Na(+) and Ca(2+) cell membrane permeability. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


Nicola Bernabò, Ilaria Saponaro, Enzo Tettamanti, Mauro Mattioli, Barbara Barboni. Acute exposure to a 2 mT static magnetic field affects ionic homeostasis of in vitro grown porcine granulosa cells. Bioelectromagnetics. 2014 Apr;35(3):231-4

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PMID: 24436211

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