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Bacillus anthracis, B. thuringiensis and B. cereus are members of the B. cereus group. They share high genetic similarity. Whereas plcR (Phospholipase C regulator) usually encodes a functional pleiotropic activator protein in B. cereus and B. thuringiensis isolates, a characteristic nonsense mutation is found in all B. anthracis strains investigated, making the gene dysfunctional. To study the function of PlcR in B. anthracis, we used the B. cereus CMCC63301 genome as a template and constructed a recombinant expression plasmid pBE2A-plcR, and introduced it into the B. anthracis vaccine strain A16R, and then analyzed the activity of the hemolysin and sphingomyelinase. The results showed that transformation of B. anthracis with plasmid pBE2A-plcR carrying the native B. cereus plcR gene active the expression of sphingomyelinase gene, but did not activate expression of hemolysin genes of B. anthracis A16R.


Jia Xiaolin, Wang Dongshu, Gao Zhiqi, Feng Erling, Zheng Jiping, Wang Hengliang, Guo Guiying, Liu Xiankai. The function of PlcR in Bacillus anthracis vaccine strain A16R. Yi chuan = Hereditas / Zhongguo yi chuan xue hui bian ji. 2015 May;37(5):494-8

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PMID: 25998439

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