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    Correlation and agreement analysis. The objective of this study was to compare the Brazilian Portuguese versions of the Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire Short-Form (ÖMPSQ-short) and the STarT Back Screening Tool (SBST)-Brazil in patients with low back pain and to verify their correlation with disability, kinesiophobia, and pain. The ÖMPSQ-short and the SBST were designed to identify patients at risk of developing pain and disability related to psychosocial factors. We assessed 130 patients, who answered the ÖMPSQ-short, SBST-Brazil, Roland-Morris disability questionnaire, Tampa scale of kinesiophobia, and Pain Numerical Rating scale. The total scores of the ÖMPSQ-short and the SBST-Brazil were correlated with the other questionnaires. Cross-tabulation and Cohen κ were used to analyze the agreement between the ÖMPSQ-short and the SBST-Brazil for participant classification as low or high risk for involvement of psychosocial factors. The ÖMPSQ-short and the SBST-Brazil presented good correlation between total scores (r = 0.73), good correlation with disability (ÖMPSQ-short: r = 0.72; SBST-Brazil: r = 0.76), and kinesiophobia (ÖMPSQ-short: r = 0.68; SBST-Brazil: r = 0.60) and moderate correlation with pain in the last episode (ÖMPSQ-short: r = 0.39; SBST-Brazil: r = 0.48), in last 2 weeks (ÖMPSQ-short: r = 0.39; SBST: r = 0.43), and current pain (ÖMPSQ-short: r = 0.39; SBST-Brazil: r = 0.31). Participant classification as high or low risk by the two questionnaires showed moderate agreement (κ = 0.49). A total of 83% of participants were classified correctly by the two questionnaires. The ÖMPSQ-short and the SBST-Brazil showed good correlation between total scores and moderate agreement for patient classification in relation to the presence of psychosocial factors. 3.


    Fernanda Ferreira Fuhro, Felipe Ribeiro Cabral Fagundes, Ana Carolina Taccolini Manzoni, Leonardo Oliveira Pena Costa, Cristina Maria Nunes Cabral. Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire Short-Form and STarT Back Screening Tool: Correlation and Agreement Analysis. Spine. 2016 Aug 01;41(15):E931-E936

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    PMID: 26720177

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