Xiaoyang Hou, Xiaoning Yu, Binghai Du, Kai Liu, Liangtong Yao, Sicheng Zhang, C Selin, W G D Fernando, Chengqiang Wang, Yanqin Ding
Research in microbiology 2016 Jul-AugSporulating bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis and Paenibacillus polymyxa exhibit sporulation deficiencies during their lifetime in a laboratory environment. In this study, spontaneous mutants SC2-M1 and SC2-M2, of P. polymyxa SC2 lost the ability to form endospores. A global genetic and transcriptomic analysis of wild-type SC2 and spontaneous mutants was carried out. Genome resequencing analysis revealed 14 variants in the genome of SC2-M1, including three insertions and deletions (indels), 10 single nucleotide variations (SNVs) and one intrachromosomal translocation (ITX). There were nine variants in the genome of SC2-M2, including two indels and seven SNVs. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that 266 and 272 genes showed significant differences in expression in SC2-M1 and SC2-M2, respectively, compared with the wild-type SC2. Besides sporulation-related genes, genes related to exopolysaccharide biosynthesis (eps), antibiotic (fusaricidin) synthesis, motility (flgB) and other functions were also affected in these mutants. In SC2-M2, reversion of spo0A resulted in the complete recovery of sporulation. This is the first global analysis of mutations related to sporulation deficiency in P. polymyxa. Our results demonstrate that a SNV within spo0A caused the sporulation deficiency of SC2-M2 and provide strong evidence that an arginine residue at position 211 is essential for the function of Spo0A. Copyright © 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.. All rights reserved.
Xiaoyang Hou, Xiaoning Yu, Binghai Du, Kai Liu, Liangtong Yao, Sicheng Zhang, C Selin, W G D Fernando, Chengqiang Wang, Yanqin Ding. A single amino acid mutation in Spo0A results in sporulation deficiency of Paenibacillus polymyxa SC2. Research in microbiology. 2016 Jul-Aug;167(6):472-9
PMID: 27208661
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