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Consensus documents allow on the one hand the stardardization of therapeutic interventions to allow patients to receive the best possible treatments, but also imply practical choices, which reduce decision uncertainties and the often too many therapeutic options, possible source of errors. This standardization implies a necessary simplification of therapeutic options facing the complexity and multiplicity of clinical presentations. However, the risk of an over-simplification is smaller than to allow arbitrary treatments, which have dominated Medicine in the absence of evidences. With the publication of this document, the writing group of authors and the cardiologists who have agreed on it specifically intend to limit arbitrary therapeutic choices and to spread the culture of evidence-based medicine, operating choices to allow simplification of treatments and a trend towards cost containment. They also privilege "traditional" choices whenever more expensive and innovative strategies are not adequately supported by efficacy or safety evidences.


Marco Mascellanti, Marco Zimarino, Raffaele De Caterina. Management of acute coronary syndromes in the Abruzzi Region in Italy. Abruzzi Inter-societary Consensus Document. Recenti progressi in medicina. 2017 Jan;108(1):52-59

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PMID: 28151527

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