Hanna Shin, Rebecca E W Kaplan, Tam Duong, Razan Fakieh, David J Reiner
Cell reports 2018 Sep 04C. elegans vulval precursor cell (VPC) fates are patterned by an epidermal growth factor (EGF) gradient. High-dose EGF induces 1° VPC fate, and lower dose EGF contributes to 2° fate in support of LIN-12/Notch. We previously showed that the EGF 2°-promoting signal is mediated by LET-60/Ras switching effectors, from the canonical Raf-MEK-ERK mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade that promotes 1° fate to the non-canonical RalGEF-Ral that promotes 2° fate. Of oncogenic Ras effectors, RalGEF-Ral is by far the least well understood. We use genetic analysis to identify an effector cascade downstream of C. elegans RAL-1/Ral, starting with an established Ral binding partner, Exo84 of the exocyst complex. Additionally, RAL-1 signals through GCK-2, a citron-N-terminal-homology-domain-containing MAP4 kinase, and PMK-1/p38 MAP kinase cascade to promote 2° fate. Our study delineates a Ral-dependent developmental signaling cascade in vivo, thus providing the mechanism by which lower EGF dose is transduced. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hanna Shin, Rebecca E W Kaplan, Tam Duong, Razan Fakieh, David J Reiner. Ral Signals through a MAP4 Kinase-p38 MAP Kinase Cascade in C. elegans Cell Fate Patterning. Cell reports. 2018 Sep 04;24(10):2669-2681.e5
PMID: 30184501
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