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Lysophosphatidylserine (LysoPS) is a lysophospholipid, its generating enzyme, phosphatidylserine-specific phospholipase A1 (PS-PLA1), reportedly plays roles in stomach and colon cancers. Here, we examined the potential roles of LysoPS in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The ninety-seven HCC patients who underwent surgical treatment were enrolled in this study and approved by the institutional review board. Among LysoPS-related enzymes and receptors, increased PS-PLA1 or LysoPS receptor 1 (LPS1) mRNA was observed in HCC tissues compared to non-HCC tissues. PS-PLA1 mRNA in HCC was associated with no clinical parameters, while LPS1 mRNA in HCC was correlated inversely with tumor differentiation. Furthermore, higher serum PS-PLA1 was observed in HCC patients compared to healthy control and correlated with PS-PLA1 mRNA in non-HCC tissues and with serum AST or ALT. Additionally, serum levels of PS-PLA1 were higher in HCC patients with HCV-related liver injury than in those with HBV or non-HBV-, non-HCV-related liver diseases. In conclusion, among LysoPS-related enzymes and receptors, PS-PLA1 and LPS1 mRNA were increased in HCC. Based on the correlation between the serum PS-PLA1 and the mRNA level of PS-PLA1 in non-HCC tissues, the liver may be the main source of serum PS-PLA1, and serum PS-PLA1 levels may be a useful marker for liver injury.


Baasanjav Uranbileg, Makoto Kurano, Masaya Sato, Hitoshi Ikeda, Takeaki Ishizawa, Kiyoshi Hasegawa, Norihiro Kokudo, Yutaka Yatomi. Possible involvement of PS-PLA1 and lysophosphatidylserine receptor (LPS1) in hepatocellular carcinoma. Scientific reports. 2020 Feb 14;10(1):2659

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PMID: 32060356

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