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The centrosome and its associated structures of the primary cilium and centriolar satellites have been established as central players in a plethora of cellular processes ranging from cell division to cellular signaling. Consequently, defects in the structure or function of these organelles are linked to a diverse range of human diseases, including cancer, microcephaly, ciliopathies, and neurodegeneration. To understand the molecular mechanisms underpinning these diseases, the biology of centrosomes, cilia, and centriolar satellites has to be elucidated. Central to solving this conundrum is the identification, localization, and functional analysis of all the proteins that reside and interact with these organelles. In this review, we discuss the technological breakthroughs that are dissecting the molecular players of these enigmatic organelles with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Raksha Devi, Laurence Pelletier, Suzanna L Prosser. Charting the complex composite nature of centrosomes, primary cilia and centriolar satellites. Current opinion in structural biology. 2021 Feb;66:32-40

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PMID: 33130249

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